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Baby boom brings rise in cougar sightings

Conservation group urges caution in woods this summer
Cougar sightings in Sooke have spiked, prompting conservation officials to warn residents. (

More deliveries from the stork mean cougar sightings in Sooke are rising this summer.

WildWise president Sam Webb said it’s been a busy summer for cougars.

“We have camera footage from different locations in Sooke and Metchosin and we see some moms have multiple cubs, sometimes three and four,” she said. “That’s probably led to more sightings, more cougars and more mouths to feed.”

ALSO READ: Wild Wise expands into West Shore

Although the number of bear sightings in Sooke has remained at about the same level as the last few years, there’s been an increase in Langford.

“It’s been pretty standard in Sooke, but we’re definitely seeing more and more in Langford the last few years,” Webb said.

The number of bear sightings in Sooke reported so far is around 200. Still, Webb cautioned that some could be for the same bear or multiple reports about a bear in the same neighbourhood.

“People should be extra cautious when you’re out in nature,” Webb said. “You’re entering the homes of these animals, and you should respect that.”

She emphasized the importance of keeping homes and property, bear and cougar attractant free, including securing garbage and livestock.

“Those are the two main attractants. Free roaming pets can attract wildlife as well, so always keep pets on a leash.”

Wild Wise is a non-profit volunteer organization dedicated to ensuring the safety of people and wildlife through education. Although it’s been a valuable resource in Sooke for many years, it expanded to the West Shore in 2020.

The website at contains more on the organization, its programs, volunteer opportunities, and links to many other sources for valuable information. You can also check out Wild Wise Society on Facebook.

About the Author: Rick Stiebel

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