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LETTER: Why Sooke's hotel tax is a bad idea

New 'tourist tax' proposal could deter visitors and burden local businesses, argues letter -writer
The Prestige Oceanfront Resort will be among the tourist accommodations facing a hotel tax proposed by the District of Sooke. (Kevin Laird/Black Press Media)

Sooke advances plans for tourist tax to boost local economy (News, June 20)

Once again, control-minded exploitive types are trying to use collective force to gouge people financially.

I nailed one moocher years ago after he promoted another coercive scheme, such as a "business improvement area’." Whether that or hotel tax, the behaviour is not proper.

Part of the supposedly moral approach to taxes, like the hotel room push, is the notion that visitors pay it, and so is extra money. But of course, it increases the price, discouraging some visitors and annoying those who arrive — more reasons to avoid The People’s State of Sooke.

More broadly, it is another interference in the activities of individuals working hard to earn income honestly by providing honest services, which burdens them with collecting the tax and forwarding it to someone. (To whom? Who decides how to spend it — sounds like a recipe for favouritism?)

I urge voters to reject the promoted tax and, indeed, to reject any politicians and businesses promoting it. Such businesses are moochers without the guts to stand on their own feet and produce for real customers.

Keith Sketchley

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